“You Did What With My Data?” or How Stop Worrying about Data Privacy and Get Back to Delivering Value


From data breaches to Cambridge Analytica. From GDPR to the California Consumer Privacy Act. How marketers collect, secure, manage, and utilize customer data has become a tangled and challenging mess. But the rewards are still there for those who are responsible and do it right.

In his dual role as the VP of Global Marketing and the Data Protection Officer at Ungerboeck, Andy Weiss handles data privacy issues and questions daily.

Join Andy as he leads a lively, interactive session unwinding and navigating the challenges of data privacy… all from a marketing perspective.


  • a practical understanding of current data privacy regulations

  • best practices ready for implementation

  • and strategies for handling potential data issues

Andy Weiss

Andy Weiss finds new ways for brands to engage with people. A growth marketer, storyteller, and practitioner of the 3Ds—digital marketing, direct marketing, and data. Work with Andy to develop better stories, drive better experiences, or deliver better results. Have Andy speak at your event.


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